Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Relieve Eye Redness and Irritation With Herbs

How to Relieve Eye Redness and Irritation With Herbs

My husband climbed Mount Rainier a few summers ago and came back down from the mountain with dramatically irritated eyes. He was upset because he took time off from work so we could vacation in Washington State after the climb. He thought for sure he had conjunctivitis, which would ruin our vacation.

"Don't worry," I said. I'll take care of it. He didn't quite believe me until he woke up the next morning. His redness and irritation was gone. I managed to stop the problem before it escalated into a bigger infection.

How did I do it? Read on to find out!

Things You'll Need:

Black tea bags

Chamomile tea

Wash cloths


I looked around our hotel room and found some black tea bags. I took two of them and rinsed them in the sink with some warm water. I placed them on his eyes and we let them sit.


While the black tea bags were resting on his eyes, I left to track down a grocery store. There, I found some chamomile tea bags. I took them back to the room and brewed up some chamomile tea and poured it into a dish.


I then dipped a wash cloth into the chamomile tea, removed the tea bags from his eye lids and replaced it with the chamomile compress. I let that sit for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, I ran the tea bags under warm water again and placed them on his eyes for another 10 minutes.


I alternated in this way for a good hour until he finally fell asleep with the tea bags on his eyes. When he woke up the next morning, the redness was gone.


Why did it work? Both chamomile and black tea are rich in what are known as "tannins," which help relieve inflammation. Chamomile also contains other ingredients that are extra soothing. If this didn't work, we would have gone to the doctor that morning so he could get proper medication.

Tips & Warnings

You can also do this if your eyes are irritated from things like allergies. It doesn't necessarily need to be an infection.

Make sure you see a doctor, especially if symptoms don't improve. Eye infections aren't something to take lightly.

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