Friday, August 27, 2010

How to Use Cat's Claw for Health

How to Use Cat's Claw for Health

People who are considering taking cat's claw as an herbal supplement should not be concerned that the herb is actually made from a cat's claw. Rather, cat's claw is a woody vine that gets its name from how similar it looks to a feline's paws. Cat's claw comes from the rain forest and is used as a supplement to improve overall health.


Take cat's claw for its anticancer properties. Cat's claw is believed to help the body fight cancer cells as well as protect the healthy cells.


Use the herb to stimulate the immune system. People take cat's claw to help their body fight off illnesses. It is also found to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is believed to cleanse the blood and the bowels.


Improve your joints with cat's claw. Research has shown that cat's claw can significantly reduce inflammation in a person who suffers from arthritis.


Purchase cat's claw in a capsule form. You can find the product from an herbal remedy retailer or online at stores like Swanson Vitamins and Physician's Formula. Typically, you take 1 to 2 grams of the cat's claw capsules twice a day.


Drink the fluid extract of cat's claw if you have difficulty swallowing pills. Measure out 2 to 4 ml to take twice a day.

Tips & Warnings

Cat's claw is not recommended for women who are trying to get pregnant. It has been shown to decrease fertility.

Don't take large doses of cat's claw. You'll get indigestion and diarrhea.

How to Treat Heart Disease With Chelation Therapy

How to Treat Heart Disease With Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is the process of removing undesirable metals from the body by taking an oral or IV medication that has the ability to grab them. Chelation therapy uses an amino acid known as EDTA to extract lead or calcium buildups that may occur in the body. Chelation therapy has been used as an alternative treatment for arteriosclerosis and heart disease.


Find a practitioner who administers chelation therapy. You may need to seek out a holistic medical professional if your family doctor does not perform the treatment. There are chelation centers available in some areas of the country.


Get a full medical workup, including a physical. The practitioner will take your medical history and run tests that examine your heart and the rest of the circulatory system. The results will be compared to tests taken after the chelation therapy.


Work with the practitioner to develop a treatment schedule. You probably need to get the chelation therapy administered three times a week. Most centers give patients an IV drip over the course of several hours.


Continue treatments over the recommended period of time. To treat heart disease, your practitioner may recommend a 10-week course of therapy.


Undergo follow-up tests. You need medical exams over the course of chelation therapy to note improvement in your circulatory system as well as to monitor kidney function.

Tips & Warnings

The EDTA and metals are mostly eliminated from your body through the kidneys.

There are side effects that can occur from chelation therapy. They include headaches, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and cramping.

Don't get chelation therapy if your doctor recommends against the treatment.

How to Treat Cancer With Sun's Soup

How to Treat Cancer With Sun's Soup

A cancer patient wants to do everything possible to rid his body of the disease. Along with traditional cancer treatments, patients often opt to try alternative remedies as well. One popular choice is the use of Sun's Soup to treat cancer. Sun's Soup is a mixture of plants and vegetables that is taken as a daily supplement.


Research Sun's Soup and how it has been used in treating patients with cancer. It's believed to be useful because the ingredients contain phytochemicals, an anticancer substance.


Find a Sun's Soup formula that is sold in the United States. The original Sun's Soup contained vegetables along with certain
Chinese herbs
. A new formula with almost 20 herbs and vegetables is now available at retail stores.


Read the ingredients of Sun's Soup. The most popular formula sold in the U.S. includes soybeans, mushrooms, beans, garlic, leeks, ginseng, roots, olive, ginger and other herbs.


Choose a frozen or freeze-dried portion of Sun's Soup. These are the two forms that Sun's Soup comes in. Your choice merely depends on your taste preference; both varieties are equally effective.


Eat Sun's Soup daily. You should eat at least an ounce of the freeze-dried version or 10 ounces of the frozen Sun's Soup.

Tips & Warnings

There have been no reported side effects for people who use Sun's Soup to treat cancer.

Clinical trials are still being held on whether Sun's Soup is an effective treatment for cancer. The soup mixture has not yet been approved by the FDA for use in curing cancer.

How to Treat Cancer With Gerson Therapy

How to Treat Cancer With Gerson Therapy

Gerson therapy is an alternative treatment available to patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. The Gerson therapy program was developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920s and involves the use of natural products to rid the body of diseases. When used in conjunction with traditional therapies, Gerson therapy can be part of an effective treatment plan for cancer.


Visit the Gerson Institute's website. On this site, you'll find information about how Gerson therapy can be used to treat diseases. It also has a store where you can buy the essential information needed to follow the program. To begin, you need to purchase the "Gerson Therapy Handbook."


Buy additional literature available for cancer patients from the Gerson Institute. These titles include "A Cancer Therapy" and the "Cancer Control Journal."


Flood your body with nutrients. One of the central components of Gerson therapy is to consume a very large amount of fruits and vegetables. While treating cancer, the patient is expected to drink one glass of fruit and vegetable juice an hour and have three vegetarian meals a day.


Improve the metabolism of your body to treat cancer. The Gerson therapy recommends supplements, such as potassium, liver extract, vitamin B-12 and the thyroid hormone.


Detoxify your body using coffee enemas. The use of enemas is meant to decrease any pain that the cancer patient is having and speed up recovery.


Travel to a Gerson clinic. If you would rather seek out personalized care from medical professionals trained in Gerson therapy, you can request admission to one of their facilities in either Mexico or California.

Tips & Warnings

If you plan to use the Gerson therapy program, you must be able to eat and drink normally as well as have natural bowel movements.

Speak to your doctor or oncologist before you use Gerson therapy as a complementary or alternative treatment for cancer.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to Look Good in a T-Shirt

How to Look Good in a T-Shirt

Most women associate dressing down in a t-shirt with looking sloppy and frumpy. It is easy to look feminine and sexy while dressing easy and comfortable at the same time. Use the tips below, and look great while wearing a t-shirt.


Get the proper size of t-shirt. Nothing is more unflattering a women's body than a shapeless, over sized men's garment. Even for heavy figures, an oversized shirt will only hide curves instead of camouflage size. A shirt that fits properly can feel just as comfortable as a big one.


Find a t-shirt that is a good length. Wear one that is short enough to not need tucked in. Tucking in a t-shirt is out of style and does not flatter any figure. On the other hand, make sure the t-shirt completely covers the abdomen. Get one that skims the hipline.


Choose a feminine cut. Men's'


are usually cut straight from the shoulders down so they only hide curves and look like a tent. Try to find one that nips the waist a bit to create a more feminine shape.


Pick a t-shirt made of a good fabric. Cotton knit with a bit of stretch is the most popular, comfortable and airy for hot




Try new necklines. Instead of a regular crewneck t-shirt, try a v-neck or boat neck t-shirt. A boat neck is good for figures with wide hips and thighs, while a v-neck can camouflage a very big or small chest.

How to Look Good in a Suit

How to Look Good in a Suit

A good suit can make a man feel successful, confident and sophisticated. It's a classic clothing item, and even the man who doesn't wear a suit to work each day needs at least one. There are always occasions in life that call for a suit. It's not difficult to look good in a suit, if you know what to look for when shopping.


Stick with classics. Trends come and go, but a beautifully cut dark gray suit with an impeccable white shirt and red silk tie will always be stylish. Some men favor double-breasted suit coats, but they have a tendency to look faddish.


Get a good fit. The suit should closely fit your body. You don't want a boxy silhouette that makes you look like a little boy dressing up in his father's clothes. Most off-the-rack suits need to be tailored, and many men's stores offer this at no charge.


Buy quality over quantity. A cheap suit looks exactly that: cheap. Aim for a dark blue suit, a gray one and a basic black one. Get the best fabric you can afford.


Be careful with patterns. There's nothing wrong with pinstripes, but be subtle. Choosing an unusual pattern will not give you the classic look of a successful businessman.


Choose the right shirt and tie. Your suit should be darker than the tie, and the tie should be darker than your shirt. Always buy silk, rather than polyester, ties.


Coordinate your accessories. A black belt is almost always a good choice, unless you're wearing a brown or khaki suit. Wear a brown belt for those colors. Your socks and shoes should closely match the color of the suit. Cuff links and watches should be of the same tone.

How to Look Good in a Bikini

How to Look Good in a Bikini

If there is one piece of attire women dread shopping for most, it is the two-piece bathing suit. There is, perhaps, no other garment that shows off the body in quite such a revealing manner. Women everywhere spend much time, money and worry on the challenge of how to look good in a bikini.


Choose the right sized bathing suit to look good. Measure before you shop and look at a sizing chart to get an idea of where to start. Look for indentations or bulges to tell you a suit is too small and sagging and puckering to indicate a suit is too big.


Pick bikinis that complement your figure. Forget boy shorts if you have thick legs. If you are just a little overweight, try a string bikini. If you want your legs to appear longer, pick a bottom that is high cut. If you want to shorten the look of your body, try a tankini.


Get a tan before you wear your bikini. Whether you do it the old-fashioned way with the sun's rays or by using a sunless tanning product, you will look better in your bikini if

is nicely bronzed. Make sure your bikini is the one you have tanned in to avoid those white lines on your body.


Pay attention to your skin before bikini season. You will look great in a bikini if you have removed hair, exfoliated and moisturized your legs. Don't forget to take care of your underarms as well. These types of details will go a long way in building your bikini-wearing confidence.


Match your bikini with accessories that give you a total look. Sunglasses,


and a great cover-up add to your overall appearance. Try a sandal with a sturdy wedged heel to add length to your legs.


Watch your posture when wearing a bikini. Always stand with your shoulders back, your chest forward and your tummy tucked when walking or standing. Make sure you maintain this great posture when you sit as well. Never slump, as this can create bulges in even very slim women.


Tone up your muscles before you slip on a bikini. Start an exercise program many weeks before your bathing suit debut. Pay attention to such trouble spots as your upper arms, belly and tush. Use light handheld weights when exercising your upper body, and let gravity work when concentrating on the lower area. Your bikini will look good on a firm body.


Drop those extra few pounds before bikini shopping. Do it the right way. Stick with a well-balanced nutritious diet plan that does not drop below 1,000 calories a day. Drink plenty of water to keep down your fluid weight and improve the texture of your skin.

How to Look Girlier

How to Look Girlier

Hey, ladies--just because you might be hanging out with the guys doesn't mean you have to look like one. It might be comfortable to wear fashion borrowed from the boys; but that doesn't mean it always looks good. Follow these steps to learn how to be girlier.


Come out steppin' in heels. Although tennis shoes and flats may be more comfortable, heels are definitely the girlier choice--and the tried and true fashion accessory that can turn the guys' heads.


Apply some mascara and blush. You don't need a full face of makeup, but just accent your best features. Apply some lipstick if you have great lips or some subtle

to make your pretty eyes pop.


Wear a skirt or dress. Nothing says girly like a showing a little bit of sexy leg to the world.


Accessorize with a girlie pair of earrings or other feminine fashion accessory such as a headband or a pair of tights.


Walk into the room with a light, feminine strut. Picture the way runway models walk down the catwalk, and try to emulate a subtler version of that.


Get a manicure or pedicure. Nothing says girlie like a nice set of painted finger and toenails.


Spend time perfecting finishing touches such as curling your hair or making sure your outfit and accessories match.

Tips & Warnings

Wearing colors that many people view as more feminine colors, such as pink and purple, are good choices for a girlier look.

Always take care of unwanted hair. For example, make sure to pluck the eyebrows, shave the legs and get rid of any unsightly facial hair. Nothing ruins an attempt to look girly like unsightly hair does in these places.

How to Look Funky

How to Look Funky

Funky is for the free spirited, passionate and confident person. Looking funky is not something that just anyone can pull off. Learn to express yourself through your grooming and clothing choices by pairing the unexpected with bold and colorful. Exude confidence as you master the funky look and all eyes are on you.

Things You'll Need:

Pattern shirts or logo T's

Pattern pants

Pattern pants

Colorful argyle socks

Shoes with buckles and/ or zippers

Cool glasses

Funky accessories


Get cool hair. Go for color whether it's highlights or streaks of purple or blue. Style your hair with texturing paste to get a chunky, bed head look.


Wear cool glasses. Wear a modernized pair of horned rimmed glasses or go for the classic thick black frames. You can't go wrong either way.


Wear shirts that have patterns or T-shirts with logos and pictures to express who you are. Wear plain shirts only if you are layering tops.


Wear patterned pants. Choose plaid or striped pants or shorts. Girls can wear patterned pants or skirts. When choosing skirts, go for knee length or shorter.


Wear colorful socks. Choose socks with patterns on them. Wearing a classic argyle sock is always the best choice when pairing patterns and going for funk.


Wear shoes that are fun and stylish. Wear shoes that have buckles or zippers. Choose shoes with chunky heals or platforms.


Add funky accessories. Choose big earrings, funky bead necklaces and big belts with funky buckles. Wear several bracelets. Wear several large rings.

Tips & Warnings

With funky, anything goes. Wear whatever you are comfortable and confident in.

Children's jewelry is both fun and inexpensive. Go for eclectic and bold wearing colorful plastic pieces.

Fashion trumps comfort when it comes to shoes.

How to Look Effortlessly Stylish

How to Look Effortlessly Stylish

Style is defined by the individual. If you want to look effortlessly stylish there are some simple rules to follow. The right hair cut, clothing and accessories will help you to achieve the carefree look that goes along with this easy, flowing appearance.


Get the perfect haircut. A simple cut with low maintenance is necessary to look effortlessly stylish all day long.


Read up on the latest trends and fashions. Knowing what's in fashion will help you decide what styles you can wear effortlessly yet still look stylish.


Keep it simple. A simple look is important for this style. If you're all made up, it appears like it takes time. Apply


lightly if you wear it, don't overstyle the hair and if tanning is a must, don't overdo it.


Dress up a pair of jeans with a jacket or blazer. This is a key element to an effortlessly stylish wardrobe. You can go from casual to dressy in an effortless minute.


Add just one big accessory item to dress up a casual outfit. Don't wear tons of


or other accessories if you want to look effortlessly stylish. One bold item will make you stand out more.


Update the effortless look by maintaining your hairstyle. If your hair is overgrown and out of shape, it won't look stylish.


Show off your style. There is a certain spirit and flair that goes along with style. It's a part of your personality, so whatever suits you, find it and wear it well.

How to Look Classy in Short Shorts

How to Look Classy in Short Shorts

In spite of Bermuda shorts and chinos, short shorts dominate the runway season after season. If you have a brave heart and toned legs, you might wonder if you can carry this look off without looking like a stripper or a B-list actress. In fact, you can look classy in short shorts if you choose the right fit, fabric and style.

Things You'll Need:

Wide belt

Matching suit jacket

Fishnet stockings

Puffed blouse or jacket

Golf shirt

Stud earrings

Ballet flats

Sheer pantyhose


Wear short shorts that fit properly. Short shorts that bind look cheap and uncomfortable. Your short shorts should not reveal more cheek than they conceal.


Consider high quality, crisp fabrics for your short shorts. Buy navy broadcloth or tartan instead of distressed fabrics.


Choose short shorts with a high-rise waist. This gives you a retro look, similar to pinup girls from the 1940s.


Buy short shorts one size bigger than you'd normally wear and cinch them with a wide belt. Pair the shorts with a matching suit jacket and flesh-toned fishnet stockings for a twist on the business suit.


Look for short shorts with tailored details, such as cuffs, piping and welt pockets. Pair with a puffed


or jacket.


Tone down the sex appeal of short shorts with a conservative top and sleek hairdo. Wear a polo golf shirt and a low ponytail. Stud earrings and ballet flats complete the outfit.


Layer short shorts over sheer hosiery. Sheer pantyhose can give you a flattering, finished look and help hide a less than perfect


How to Look Beautiful if You have a Fuller Figure

How to Look Beautiful if You have a Fuller Figure

is an illusion created by confident women who believe in and take care of themselves. Being beautiful takes work and dedication but any woman can achieve the look if she wants it. Natural beauty is a gift, creating an illusion of beauty means focusing on your appearance and emphasizing the positive while hiding the negative.


Know that you are beautiful and share that knowledge with the world. Self-confidence is the first step in creating a beautiful appearance. Show the world you have confidence by your walk, style and appearance.


Buy clothing that fits, especially if you have a full figure. Choose clothing that exhibits your personal style and remember to accessorize. Present a well-dressed appearance whenever you leave the house. Toss out inappropriate clothing to avoid being tempted to wear any of it.


Keep your hair styled and in good condition. Visit a stylist to find the best look for your face, shape and lifestyle. Choose a look you can maintain at home. Check your hair before you leave your house to make sure it looks beautiful to you and the world.


Maintain your hands, feet and nails. Keep your nails clean and painted if possible. Draw attention to your hands with rings and attractive nail polish. Paint your toenails if you wear revealing shoes and eliminate any unsightly roughness on your feet.


Apply your make up every day. Beauty takes effort so put the effort into your appearance if you want to appear beautiful to the world. Good makeup and hair is especially important to the full figured woman. These areas form most first impressions. Show you care about your appearance with your perfect makeup and good hair.


Moisturize your skin, keep it well cared for and show it off when the occasion calls for it. Choose sleeveless dresses and tops for the summer months if your arms are in good shape. Full figured women should not be afraid of bareness. Just be careful about how much skin you choose to show. Regardless, the skin you do show needs to be as beautiful as the rest of you.

How to Look and Feel Great in an Hour

How to Look and Feel Great in an Hour

You're constantly on the go. You're multitasking yourself through high-stress situations everyday. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or a high-powered business exec, take the time to care for yourself. Don't let your busy lifestyle take a toll on you. All you need is one hour to look and feel great.


Meditate. A little quiet time goes a long way. Allocate five or 10 minutes at the start of your day just to relax and center yourself. If breathing exercises don't appeal to you, then try stretching or dancing to your favorite upbeat song during this time instead.


Do a five-minute face. You don't have to go high glam to look and feel great in an hour. Make sure your brows are shaped, but not too thin. Fuller brows give a more youthful appearance. Even out your

with light foundation or tinted moisturizer and use concealer if necessary. Lightly apply a bright, complementary shade of blush to wake up the face. Put on a little mascara and some lip gloss, and you're ready to go.


Start with the proper foundation garments. Make sure that you're bra is properly fitted and that your underwear doesn't show panty lines.


Choose classic pieces. Build your wardrobe on pieces that flatter every figure and never go out of style. You need dark-washed denim, wide leg trousers, structured jackets, a crisp white shirt and a good trench coat, to name a few. You'll be able to mix and match these items with each other or trendier pieces to create an endless number of looks.


Accessorize. One way to look and feel great in an hour is to pair simple outfits with flashy accessories. Try adding sassy bangles to a t-shirt and jeans or pairing a boldly printed scarf with solids.


Dab on your favorite scent. Go for something that makes you feel powerful, sexy or happy. If you can achieve all three in one scent, that's even better.